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FifthChat ·  互动媒体实室MediaLab @Copyright  2025

天生我材 · 中国古诗词新媒体艺术展

类型:沉浸式艺术展  ·  Art Exhibition 地点:北京中华世纪坛 时间:2023.12.28


通过使用视觉识别捕捉观众的举杯动作, 当观众举杯靠近时,李白会抬头向观众敬酒、吟诗,共同畅饮,感受千年前的文人风采。
By using visual recognition to capture the audience's gesture of raising a cup, when the audience raises their cup and approaches, Li Bai will look up to toast the audience, recite poetry, and drink together, evoking the elegance of ancient literati from a thousand years ago.


In the final hall of the exhibition, several interactive poetry games were developed using TouchDesigner. Through poetry painting, poetry fill-in-the-blank, and poetry matching games, the experience combines traditional poetry with digital interaction, infusing fun and technological innovation into the interactive exploration of classical poetry.


In the final hall of the exhibition, several interactive poetry games were developed using TouchDesigner. Through poetry painting, poetry fill-in-the-blank, and poetry matching games, the experience combines traditional poetry with digital interaction, infusing fun and technological innovation into the interactive exploration of classical poetry.


With the help of the LidarTracker lidar component and the SwitchScene component, we were able to efficiently complete project production and installation debugging in a very short time.


二展厅 · 群星:地面互动、程序开发 三展厅 · 与李白对饮:互动程序开发
三展厅 · 对影成三人:互动程序开发 三展厅 · 仙:灯光控制、播控
六展厅 · 绘诗绘色:互动游戏 六展厅 · 诗词填空/连字成诗:互动游戏

沉浸空间 Space:约300m² 投影 Projector:32台
互动方式:雷达—LidarTracker 开发软件:TouchDesigner