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追光四十载 · 湛江坡头光影艺术展

类型:沉浸式艺术展  ·  Art Exhibition 地点:广东湛江 时间:2024.09.28


此次湛江首个大型室内沉浸式数字艺术光影展,以 AI人工智能和交互点位映射技术的融合,构建了一个关于坡头发展点滴的光影叙事,在“追光之旅”中发现湛江地标,感受坡头 40 年的变化。

The first large-scale indoor immersive digital art light and shadow exhibition in Zhanjiang, using the integration of AI artificial intelligence and interactive point mapping technology, has constructed a light and shadow narrative about the development of PoTou, discovering landmarks in Zhanjiang and experiencing the changes of PoTou over the past 40 years during the "Chasing the Light Journey".

依托最前沿的数字多媒体视听技术与 3D 全息投影,光影秀精心编织了一场视觉与听觉的双重梦幻,体验数字技术与坡头发展历程相结合的视觉盛宴,让你宛若置身于充满神秘与美丽的秘境之中。
Relying on the cutting-edge digital multimedia audio-visual technology and 3D holographic projection, the light and shadow show carefully weaves a dual dream of visual and auditory experience, combining digital technology with the development process of slope hair, making you feel like you are in a mysterious and beautiful secret realm.

Use TouchDesigner as the main development platform to add particle interaction, 8K real-time particle interaction, and synchronization of multiple devices based on digital video s how.


客户:广东湛江坡头区宣传部 总制作:林和文化/天马视界
策划:林和文化/春日好 设计: 林和文化

空间 Space:23m *  32m 投影 Projector:27台
投影融合:CavePlayer 互动方式:雷达—LidarTracker
播放控制:TouchDesigner 交互设计:TouchDesigner